'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Centre of the World

It has been brought to the attention of your's truly in recent times, issues regarding your's truly being overtly self-centred/self-consumed.

X, an old friend or more appropriately termed as acquaintance, commented a few weeks back that deep down inside, your's truly was still the nic that existed then. Till today, X is the only person which has come through/found a way to the core and yet, left. In actual fact, one actually feels that she is right. Is the enigma now that all the world is privy too merely a shell ? Albeit a very interestingly crafted and designed shell. One can actually confess truthfully, that this shell was actually created perhaps as a barrier or protection. It's amazing actually....how she can actually almost telepathically pierce through everything each time. Ironic really, seeing how we've not met for the best part of 4 years, and yet she still knows. Even more ironic that your's truly cannot even fathom even to the slightest degree who or what X is......

POA blogged at 8:21 AM