Thursday, August 11, 2005
Before I begin on the subject matter at hand, the topic above does not refer to me. No one rejects your royal highness.
Some of the coldest rejections I have experienced(not me, other ppl), range from the realm of pure entertainment, to that of pure freakiness.
Case Study 1. The Model
Ali F, a total stud-muffin, capturing the attention of all chicks(and ugly ducklings) from all over definitely ranks as one of my favourite all time rejections. Here was how he rejected his current squeeze in the beginning. Here I am talking about a perfectly hot chick, another model I would think. Many would think of him as being insane, however the manner in which he did it is just pure class. Here's the lowdown, hunky Ali (rhymes), having balls of steel(or maybe no balls), actually has the audacity to write a note stating 10 reasons why he did not want to get with this chick. Amongst one of these reasons is that of her not being a christian....mind you, ali here is no saint the fact that she is hot...this is one guy that definitely doesn't follow the will of his other little but just as significant head. And he actually hands the letter to her personally. Definitely a 7/10 because of the uniqueness and sheer coolness in which he swats her away. Respect.
Case Study 2. The long melodramatic break-up
It begun with 17 page love ended with an 18 page one. Some people really have issues......I the heck does one even write 17 pages to another person.....mind you, this was done on A4 size and lined paper....all in all, definitely enough to write a book....not that it'll get published.....its probably a drag and definitely not as entertaining as all my articles. Definitely one of the freaky ones. Obviously doesnt love her as much as he hates her....literal interpretation of mine here....check the 1 page difference btw the love and break-up letter. Hilarious. =) Surely an 8.5/10 on the rejection scale....imagine the chick's feelings when she gets hit by 18 pages of how everything went wrong. Terrible.
Case Study 3. The naked man
Finally an interesting tale of how a girl rejects a guy. Its more of a natural progression I think, the way she avoided him and all. Why this makes it into the list is more because of the fact that he's been turned down numerous times.....0% success rate. Another factor is because of the way he thrives on baring his body to his targets. Albeit with little success. So I guess he's here because of the way he causes himself to be rejected ? Definitely entertaining, the way everyone snickers as he makes his move and prowls around the intended prey......a 6/10.
Case Study 4. The Shorty
This is why short guys are disadvantaged when it comes to the dating game. Society has always had this pre-occupation with that of the tall, dark and handsome. Some call them hunky dories, I prefer neanderthals. Some sour grapes there. But no matter, for none can compare to his royalest highest excellency. Was looking thru some of the drafts SH wrote today with regards for grounds of rejection. I quote 'you know I absolutely abhor guys shorter then me.' Obviously, the normal vertically challenged guy has a lot to do in order to keep up. Nonetheless, I give this a 6.5/10 on the rejection scale.
Case Study 5. The Jerk
Once upon a time a guy, J, got together with X in a semi-relationship. He then fell for her best friend and openly declared it. She was the last to know. She was usually the substitute whenever he got rejected by other girls. A real tear jerker here. Definitely ranks up there in terms of melodrama with all those korean serials. A definite 7/10 for the sour taste it leaves in the mouth.
Thats all for tonight folks. This is the Poameister, tuning off.
POA blogged at 9:12 AM