'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Friday, August 26, 2005


Other less significant news before the main serving. Yours truly now knows how to play mahjong. Courtesy of some old friends from secondary school. Only difficulty would lie in the fact that I cant recognise some of those ruddy chinese words.

Now, Peacock. For the rest of you less knowledgable plebians out there, Leslie Peacock(full name) was one of the contestants of the FHM girl next door competition a few months back. Certainly the favourite to win, a common opinion all of us at the PTI course had. Save for Elynn Toh, the girl with humongously round boobs who was Terrence Yap's ex(fellow trainee). A bit of a sympathy vote by proxy there one would guess.....also, after intense interrogation by the entire course, including the very famous/notorious Master Ong(now Warrant Ong)/Monkey God, he admitted to 'making the beast with 2 backs',(quote from othello, written by shakespere) with her of course.

Anyway, back to the topic, on Wed, yours truly accompanied by Ellyas went down to Zouk for an NUS business pageant in which a mutual friend, Gwenda Ailing(F1) was taking part in. One must comment now that the paucity of decent looking fellas in NUS is shocking...terrible ! No wonder the girls there are complaining. Most of the contestants put up were scrawny and well......ugly. And this is the supposed cream of the crop.....I shall refrain from all comments here in case yours truly by some stroke of cruel fate end up there. Have no intention of being crucified in the event that I actually have to stay here for an education.....luckily, there are no pictures of me here, so I at least remain annoymous to the casual reader.

Anyway, Ellyas introduced my to his group friends, all models and rather good looking I must say. Heard their very funny comments about their agent, crooked to the point of no return. 2 of them managed to easily sweep aside the competition in the open category of hunks and babes, opened to the entire floor. No big deal there....there wasn't even any semblance of resistance put up. Got the easiest 2 bottles of black label they will ever get.

And on the party went until.........who should pop up but peacock herself ! Was totally flabbergasted and was about to point out to Ellyas that my idol was standing right in front of me, only metres away. But before yours truly had the chance to do this, she came walking right up to us and wonders of wonders, she started having a conversation with Ellyas ! Imagine to my immense surprise when Ellyas introduced us.....Am absolutely delighted. Plus the fact that she was dancing with us later on in the evening, this is definitely the highlight of the month. Yours truly now can brag to all his friends(esp those in the PTI course) that he was once introduced to the lovely Leslie Peacock. Hah !

POA blogged at 10:10 AM