'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My future Family

Your's truly has just finished a tour of other lesser blogs. Am proud to say that once again, this blog is rated by me as THE most entertaining blog around. Only here can one find sophisticated literature(read the green eyed monster) as well as excellent articles which are laced with dry wit. In fact, yours truly is not going on another tour in the near future. All that angst....people nowsadays dont know what to appreciate what they have.......although on hindsight, yours truly could be 10cm taller, put on 5 more kg of muscle mass, be smarter, richer and oh yes, have a super duper hottie for a girlfriend. Would be perfect if she was rich and smart at the same time. Now look, there you see, lotsa desires and angst, albeit put across in a light hearted way. If everyone adopted this style, blogs would be infinitely more interesting and far less depressing.

Back to the topic, 'THE FUTURE' (cue for trumpets), Your's truly has taken the liberty of naming 2 of his 3 kids already. Preferably, your's truly would prefer the oldest to be a girl, followed by twin boys. The girl shall be named Alethea. Now, thats such a pretty, sophisticated and princessy name. One of the boys shalt be given the name Wyatt. Ah , thats a nice and strong name. Lotsa energy coming out of that name. The last name would of cos be decided by my wife/mother of the children, whichever is applicable. She can also pick the names of the other children, if she's up for it. Oh, all chinese names will be decided by her too. Preferably using easy words so that the father of the children wouldnt forget or worse, not know how to write it in the first place. If left up to me, it'd probably be pan yi , pan er, and pan san. Sharon suggested pan cake. But thats not funny, she's an idiot. Making fun of my future names for my children.

Ah, as for my future spouse, or even girlfriend, here is a list of criteria. (very difficult to meet)
Physical Attributes
1. Super nice features: Sharp nose(enuff to even cut butter). Nice eyes(not too big). Eyes should be expressive, able to show a wide range of emotion....not the dead kind. Porcelain complexion(i.e. better than mine) In all, a fairly symetrical face(defined by aristotle as beauty). One more thing, ears should not be sticking out like an elephant.
2. Height: Should not be less than 1.58m. Yes, I must admit now tt I am not the tallest of men, but thats why I want the future mother of my kids to be tall. So my kids have a 50% chance of being tall.
3. Figure: Should not weigh more than me. Preferably without flab.
4. Race: Mix bloods would be most preferable.

Personality:The absolute most important one as well as the category where most people fail to meet up the mark. Her personality must as unpredictable as the British Weather. Vibrant, lazy, passionate, icy, fierce, meek and all the different dichotemies that one can find. Stability is out. People think I am crazy to want this, but it would be rather boring if everything was all fine, dainty and predictable. I want someone to not only bask lazily together with me on a fine summer day, but also one that will laugh maniacally at the storms approaching and ride it out with me. Yes, this pletora of conditions will probably never be met. I for one have only met 1 person that actually beared any resemblance to this......

External Factors
1. Wealth: It would be nice not to have to worry abt material needs, although if she did possess the above mentioned personality or physical attributes, I wouldn't mind working all day to put food on the table

In my humble opinion , your's truly will probably never meet anyone like that.
Cheryl and company is waiting with bated breath at the day I have a girlfriend and to see if she actually meets up to the requirement. She asked once that since love is blind, one will not be able to choose or even predict what one would end up with. However , I told her that this was totally wrong and used circular reasoning to disprove her. Here goes, Poameister likes girls with above mentioned qualities, girls w/o above mentioned qualities would not attract the Poameister. See ! Circular in everyway.

Anyway, anyone who finds someone fitting into the above mentioned criteria please inform me. This is his royal highness, signing out.

POA blogged at 7:36 AM