'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Favourite People(Shortlist)

No rankings as of yet but here's just a shortlist of people, if you're not here, don't fret, be nicer to me and maybe you'll make the next list. At the end of the year I will then decide on my top ranking lists of people. Names here are all random and not ranked.

1. Jon and Xinyi(package) : ones the YAG grp leader and the other is my copy hw friend(I did the copying) in JC. Xinyi also teaches my sister music and is a nice and dependable friend. Jon's provided me with enough alcohol to like kill a cow(am still alive). Love them both to pieces(puke blood, so mushy).

2.Jocelyn: Sweet and bubbly girl tts always there to provide a listening ear to my incesetant babbling. Remember I went cycling with her after our A-Level results. Was worried she might actually kill herself or something......at that time I just joined the group and didnt know her at all. haha. Auntie June loves her and keeps advertising her as the 'perfect catch'. So yah, am not the only one having her on the favourite list. lol.

3.Rest of cell group: Matts a nice cook...mmm. Emerald eats all the food...and reads my blog faithfully(plus 10 positions). Joel boh's a nice fella....altho irritating at times with his cheeken accent. Sarah and Puss in Boots are funny innocent looking fellas.....must be wary of them during card games or anything to do with the emotional side of things. Adrian cannot be described with mere words.

4. Esther and Timmy: The 'naicha' and drinking kakis frm church.Timmy's this uber cool fella. Esther's the bubbly and friendly one that always laughs and smiles. Nice people.

5. Quek Mong Hua: Defending my father for his case and doing a superb job of it. Aspire to be as successful a lawyer as him. Maybe one day I'll face him in court(ambition).

6. Uncle David(co-sunday school teacher): Funny guy, plus I owe him 30 bucks.

7. My kids: Love them all(and no, not in a felic or freudian way).

8. GOD: Obviously.

POA blogged at 7:53 AM