'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Monday, June 20, 2005

World Domination

Am going to take over the world!!!!! hahahaha(wicked laughter).

Have been playing risk almost the whole of today, from 10 in the morn till 3 in the afternoon, non stop plotting and dice-rolling, mymy, never envisaged myself playing risk while serving the nation. lol. Builds up my leadership and strategising skills I must say. Well, its for the greater good, afterall, am an instructor of future officers and leaders of the country(everyone can gasp now. Gasp!), so must keep myself primed towards this challenge. haha.

Am bloody good at risk I found out, almost took over the entire bloody world, had south america, africa and europe within my grasp and was proceeding on the onslaught of north america. Being the brilliant tactician I was, I engineered the complete obliteration of my closest rival midway during the game, Napoleon Bonarparte(aka, SPZ), by turning everyone on him. Mind you, this was after my alliance had significantly weakened those scums from down under(wayne), and after a costly civil war with Braveheart William Wallace(Alistair), which drove my mighty troops out from North America(I decided to retreat so as to live to fight another day) into South America and Africa where I set up my bastions championing truth and justice(actually, all hail POA). Then there was the masterstroke where I spurned Napoleon's offer to divide the world between us, and instead allied with the very foes which forced me out of North America and also with those Uruk Hai from down under. It was this triumvrite that managed to overcome the those uppity europeans, albeit after a long-drawn out resistance which sapped the forces of both sides. All of which was very good for me as I ransacked Europe w/o the other 2 fellas noticing, cos it was all for the cause =) . This was also how I got Africa from those rotten uncouth prisoners from down under earlier in the game when my alliance was bamboozling him from all corners of the earth at about the 1/4 mark.

After Napoleon went down, it came down to the battle between the great powers of Wallace and the Poamister. Having a vastly superior and battle-hardened army, my gallant troopers forced those ruddy smelly Scots out of europe and into America. It was here that I enlisted the help of those inferior Aussies to keep up the battle in Asia and so keep Wallace on a costly 2 front war. With his forces depleted and stretched, yours truly managed to gain europe after a tremendously costly war effort. This foothold was reinforced turn after turn and b4 long forces had been mounted for the onslaught of the last remaining credible resistance to the creation of a world which would be peaceful and happy. A tremendously violent battle ensued as Wallace's defenses tried to hold on onto their last remaining fortress(North America). Ultimately, with my 2-pronged attack from both Europe as well as South America and coupled with the Aussies assaulting Wallace's forces from the east(a great battle had brewed there too, mainly with the Aussies getting whipped), The American Dream was crumbling before his very eyes and it was here that Wallace decided not to play anymore cos he was tired and his chances of winning was naught(plus we had work to do).

And so, was how the story came to pass where 5 very bored PTIs decided to take out the Risk Board and begin a quest for adventure, territorial gains and WORLD DOMINATION. Friendships tossed aside as alliances formed and broke. Losses and gains were mourned and celebrated. Trust was a matter of convienence and the only constant was the burning desire to just own it all, be it through diplomacy or confrontation. In the end, all the stars dimmed as only one shone brightly, true and strong, unwavering to the cause.

POA blogged at 4:36 AM