Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Plot Resumes
Welcome back all those who've missed yours truly(esp yours truly).
Haven't been undating since I left for down under. Really nice place Australia, nice weather and nice food and nice wine and nice scenary. Could get used to such a place, unfortunately am not going to australia anymore for studies......too long a time needed to graduate plus it starts only in Feb which means I have to defer my army....not good. So England here I come. =) Now the question is........where do I go in England.....have narrowed it down to 3 places, bristol, durham and london.......any suggestions people ? Am open to all.....
Madagascar is really funny, watched it the day b4 I left for Australia with my little sis, a bit of quality time there. My favorite person that is.....only person in this whole world I might stay in S'pore for and not go abroad cos I would miss out on her growing up years.....anyway...she doesnt really seem to need me around much nowsadays....too old for her I think....hugs and kisses drying up also...the other day I mistook her primary 3 instead of 4....wth...she's growing up too fast for me lar....depressing....
Went for a unique BBQ experience last Sat, Jon took us, the merry band to this funny spot in Changi, place was freaking isolated and out of the way like in a desert...but it went surprising well despite an early drizzle. Had to like dig holes in the ground to like set a bonfire and bbq fire going. Adelene's really funny.....haha.....she went there thinking out fun and adventurous it'd be until she asked us 'wheres the toilet?' Lol. Truth and realisation soon sinked dont find a toilet in the wild, u 'make do' with what's available, ie, trees and bushes and wadever you can find....hahahahaha. Went back to Jons house afterwards and played all sorts of funny games on top of drinking some really strong scotch whiskey. Must've been a tad too much cos I had a minor headache the next losing my alcohol tolerance I tell you....only 4 glasses(Jon, you only saw me take 2....oooommmm). Must be the lack of clubbing and more free flow parties like they used to have last time when I was in J1. Those parties were really good man...25 for like as much as I can drink....always made sure that my money was worth it by knocking lots of brew down. haha.
Until next time people !
POA blogged at 8:22 AM