'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

For my Fans !

Amos said today he's gonna like ask all his lil friends to come by my blog. Now have to make it more appealing to everyone. More mainstream like and definitely more entertaining. Maybe I'll get more popular. haha.

Realised today that I wouldn't be able to take my driving lessons next week cos of some dumb PT course aimed at helping us with the new WOCC(Women Officer Cadet)..........cunts.......women shouldn't join the army. Yah, being rather sexist here....but its true......oweing to the paucity of the fairer sex in the army, and coupled with like many despos......these women often get their way.....if not they would just like throw tantrums and cause a whole lot of trouble. Nonetheless, some of them actually are better then the men....sad to say but so true. Like now, there like 2 WOCCs that can like whip 70% of their male counterparts in the 2.4 km run........these guys had better take a good long look at themselves........pathetic is the state I would define the fitness levels of the majority of our soldiers....the so-called defenders of our beautiful and wonderful and vibrant country, this is also applicable to me..sad to say, that the high standards set by our fore fathers have depreciated to such a low level. In fact, today I was just demonstrated to how wimpy our wonderful army has become. NS men, aka reservist with huge bellys and receding hair lines had at least the balls to perform a 5m confidence jump into the pool(no big deal I know)....it wasnt a pretty sight but at least they did it with the minimum fuss. Contrasted to our so called cream of the army, THE OFFICER CADETs, some of whom have such a phobia, that they don't even dare go near the ledge of the pool. I'd better get a sum of money ready so that if a war breaks out I'd have the means to relocating my family to like china or something where we can like grow a farm and survive on subsistence farming. lol

Still can't get any damn photos of myself to upload on the blog....I think I'll just keep this as a photo-less one. Safer you know, with all these poor people nowsadays being persecuted for their own thoughts. Nonetheless, I would still like to put a disclaimer here that any resemblance to anyone or anything in this blog is purely coincidental and if you are offended in anyway, please just go elsewhere. BTW, for those who read yesterday's entry, I am trying to be nicer to people in general....nt v pretty....oops there I go again. At least I was nice to Amos today. There! Oh, and there's a new colleague in office today, must try to be nice to him.....aint nothing much to look at.....actually.....please dont look.....but its all in the spirit of being nice to everyone...something I've been struggling to do all day. But I'll at least try to add a tagboard so that I'll be interacting with all my fellow......people, friends, fans....whatever.....

POA blogged at 6:28 AM