'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Just who is the Poameister, is it fact or fiction? Does he exist? How did he come into existence ?

To begin with, how many of you actually know abt the great Ali G ? Yes....the super duper cool funky brit.... HE's actually not real ! Ali G's actually the creation of a white man over a radio station......In that same sense, the Poameister's also a creation of moi to amuse myself and all you loyal fans out there.

In no way should one think that I am actually like the Poameister, well......actually, technically, we are the same person, but the real me is more all rounded and nicer. Poameister is merely part of me, it doesn't define me.......

So how'd I come to adopt this caricature of mine ? First, the name, Poameister is derived from the Stiffmeister of American Pie, obviously a less obnoixious one...but definitely the idea is there....Next, the reason for this creation of mine is because, me being the lonely and unsociable and unwanted one that I am, plus the fact that there are many unsolved issues within me, needs an outlet where I can vent my frustrations and all. BTW, yours truly is in the initial stages of athelete's foot/footrot......my 4th toe on the right feet is bloody going to waste.....fuck....am disfigured.....

Moreover, much of my rantings are usually of a high readable quality(dun bluff, all of you have a fit when you read my irrestible articles).

Y am I writing this article ? Its because yours truly has found out abt the tons of people whom have been reading this blog without my permission....ie, I did not specifically ask you to read my blog. But its ok, I forgive all of you, just don't judge me purely based on what you have read here, not tt I give a damn, unless of course you are some mega hottie. Most importantly, this blog must never fall into the hands of selected people(ie Church Elders), who might then see fit to 'counsel' and brainwash yours truly, which would be regretable for all you peeps out there loyally waiting for my every new entry.

Until then, happy reading !

POA blogged at 7:27 AM