'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Return of His self-proclaimed Majesty

16 days, 15 nights..........spent in the wilderness of the serene, aka, shithole that is brunei....yours truly will not go into details here, there aren't enough expletives to describe the loathe I feel towards the lovely country.

Luckily, yours truly had the company of a certain few individuals which made the 16 days livable......There are a few highlights, such as being ferried around in a helicopter and sitting on an assault boat zipping to and fro.....

Needless to say, insects were swarming around the area, biting anything and everything, a whole range of new kakas were introduced to his royalest highness. Ants the size of thumbs and beatles the size of rats crawled around, plus the addition of like a million small cockroaches flying about definitely helped make Lakiun Camp the 5* camp that everyone loves.

R&R was a total blast, the acclaimed programme being the M&M(mosque and museum). Malls were nothing more than a supermarket, one feels that even Roxy Square is by far superior.... Only good thing was that pirated stuff is damn cheap....don't think those bruneiens evn know what originals are.....pirated stuff flying all over the place.....pity we couldn't buy them..

Never felt so happy to be flying back to singapore....Viva Singapura !

Forgive the disjointedness of the article....brunei i swear dulls the brain and just about everything else......

POA blogged at 7:22 AM