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2) To get to know more people. Judging by the fact that asians are generally less popular and have less friends abroad, no doubt due to the conservative environment we've been brought up by, means tt your's truly(the only singaporean fresher), has to start making friends earlier. Everyone seems really friendly and surprise surprise, your's truly when compared to these people is quiet and with a halo around my head to boot. But, it is quite boring, especially since no freshers have yet to arrive and well, it is quite difficult to get on the same wavelength as them seniors.
Interesting fact:
The room the your's truly is going to be sleeping in had someone die there of a heart attack earlier in the summer. Hence it was not allocated out, as the college waited to see if anyone would step forward to take it. Now, your's truly had been praying for a ensuite room prior to the meeting to ask to be transfered to one. On knowing that there was an avaliability, your's truly's faith was tested yet again. The question beckoned as to whether or not to take the room. The answer was, after some pondering, yes(not a very big one..) as God had provided a room as per requested and all that required was for your's truly to accept that God would protect him. And hence, your's truly will be moving in in a couple of hours, albeit with the chaplain coming over to help cleanse the room...(i am obviously not tt brave yet). Well then, its all off to an exciting start !
Stay tuned people.