'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Mr Poa

Your's truly is officially one week into his new profession as a TEACHER ! haha, bloody hilarous. Quite the stressful experience I must say...but enriching nonetheless. Your's truly is out there making a DIFFERENCE !

Ironic that your's truly has been tasked to teach english, least of which, when his majesty last checked, hmmm, he didnt know or care 2 hoots about what a noun is or what the difference is between an adverb and verb. But never fear, with his royal majesty's immense penchant for the language and his tremendous apptitude for all things pertaining to the Queen's Language, it will probably be a walk in the park.

Interesting Fact
On friday, a pair of students stopped yours truly and asked if anyone commented that your's truly looked like some 'Pan Weibo,' honestly, your's truly has no idea who the hell that is, but if he is fugly, you can be certain that these 2 miscreants will be hunted down and put to detention or as the school calls it, 'PC'. Ahhh, how power corrupts. =)

Stay tuned all, for more interesting facts about Mr Poa.

His majesty, signing off.

POA blogged at 5:25 AM