Tuesday, April 18, 2006
His Royal Majesty: Icon
Dear PTI.I have a crush on you back in OCS.May I know if you want to make friends with a gay person like me?Add me at ons2LT@hotmail.com on MSN.Regards
Well, your's truly prefers hot chicks much more to gay pals. But then again, gay guys do have lotsa hot chick friends....mmm. I dont mind extending my royal hand to accept another subject like you. =) Although it does sound rather fishy......must be someone jealous of me and trying to frighten me. Trevor perhaps ?
In other matters, to prove that your's truly has truly reached iconic status, yesterday, while his royal majesty was out reading his very important law notes at Starbucks, 2 heartlandish teen girls(they were speaking mandarin, a language not associated to the high and royal society that your's truly belongs in), were secretly taking pictures of yours truly with camera handphones. Truly sneaky, if it werent for the fact that they were saying 'kuai dian pai tha, tha hai mei you zhu yi,' yes, although your's truly might not seem to be acquainted with the language of plebians, he does possess a more than elementary grasp of the language of the lower classes. Hopefully those pictures don't turn up at some porn website where it won't do justice to yours truly's humongously large manhood.
In other matters, your's truly feels that in reality, law when stripped to its core, is basically the legitamisation of power. No wonder your's truly is going to be a lawyer. Power and your's truly go naturally together hand in hand.
The Poameister signing off.
POA blogged at 7:31 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
V.I.P .
On the 6th of May, Raoul is having his 21st at MOS and yours truly is invited. V.I.P that he is. Gonna be a smashing party.
On the 13th of May, Andre, is having his party at Cocolatte and once again, yours truly is invited, V.I.P.
Obviously the similarity in these 2 parties is that yours truly is the V.I.P.
POA blogged at 7:53 AM