'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Far Left and Far Right

My years between 17-18 were filled with decadent parties and a whole lot of time getting wasted and thinking up schemes to 'get the goods.' 2 years later, your's truly chronicles some recent experiences with his wingmen of an almost forgotten era.

Wingman 1: Trevor Tan, aka T Tan the Man, 9 inch gun
Scene: At a lobby waiting for an acquaintance to come down

T Tan: You know Nick, (pause) what I hope to get out of my time in Uni ?
Poameister: I dunno, an education ?
T Tan: (Banging fist hard on table) No ! I wanna fucking fuck all the chicks. Every fucking night. (Banging table at the same time) I gotta make up for the fucking 2 years wasted in army. Oh man, I tell, its gonna be ONE FUCKING HELL of an adventure in Uni.
Poameister: Nice to know what 12 years of education has done for you.
T Tan: FUCK education, all I wanna do is FUCK.
Poameister: Amen to that. All the best to your future endevours.

Yes, army certainly has not changed the 9 inch gun. Now, he more ready than ever to go on the prowl. For T Tan, it is time to feed. Ladies beware.

**Disclaimer from T Tan(to prevent a lawsuit...all these future lawyers..)
*Trevor has been known to exaggerate for comic purposes. He is one of the funniest guys I know.

Wingman 2: Raoul
Scene: Cafe Iguana

Raoul: You know Nick, we're the same kinda persons, same background , education and all. Good people.
Poameister: Cheers to that I say. Here's a toast to many more years of friendship.
Raoul: Yeah, I guess thats why we don't hang out that often with the old crowd anymore, you know, we're gonna be important people, you and I, we're gonna be worth millions in the future! Can't afford to throw away our lives at this moment. The future is bright for people like us.
Poameister: I couldn't have put it better.

Yes, Raoul, the oldest friend I have, ever since kindergarten on that faithful first day of school.

Lil Poameister: (Boarding bus)
Lil Raoul: Hello, my name is Roaul, whats yours? Want to sit here beside me ?
Lil Poameister: ok.

There, my 1st ever friend. Lost contact for 4 years when your's truly was cut off from the world. And met the lecture hall at ACJC one fine day. Instant recognition. Nice. Amazing how he changed since then, the 'machine gunner,' master of 'cover the face and attack the base.' Now being all grown up and ambitious.

There you have it, the far left and the far right.

The Poameister once again, at your service

POA blogged at 4:14 AM