Sunday, January 29, 2006
Rebirth: Freed
Finally, truly freed from the shackles which were once bound so tightly. The same one which forced him far and away from his abode, his land, his
compadres, and above all, his roots. Uprooted, he struggled to find a place. Difficult, for everyone guarded their spaces so ever tightly....
A stranger to a new land is not always taken kindly to. Suspicion and doubt clouds his every movement. Was running away the best solution? Nonetheless, its was a decision which could not be revoked upon. Turning back now would prove pointless. Branded as a traitor, acceptance would never be granted. Even if it was, scars would still remain.
Despair, anguish, pain which could not be seen from the outside flooded and coursed through his entire self. The intensity of which was so hot that even tears could not be coaxed out of the dry well. Meandering aimlessly through the desert. Alone.
A secret only he and he alone could carry. The burden so great that at times he almost buckled under its huge weight. It would not be fair to share this with anyone. It is something that he would guard till the end of time....even if it was burning and searing through him from the inside.
Slowly, he was accepted by the new community. Ties with the past were now severed almost completely....the only footpath back being you. He was now broken into a sad melancholic creature albeit still with a wicked sense of humour. The only thing which remained of the past.
' Such sad and tired eyes you have,' the others commented. The only window to the torment which lay beneath. 'You smile stranger, but your eyes look so dead.' The light was snuffed out the day he tore himself away.
I ask you, what use is a king with everything, but not a person to share it with. Yes, he snatched the throne, slayed the dragons, got all the treasure he desired for. But to what end ? At the end, to find that you had left. The castle being devoid of all the spirit and life that you once brought it. Had he known this would happen then, he would have rather become a peasant and continue to rear chickens and plant vegetables with you. But ambition consumed him and all he wanted was fame and glory.
You were the only one who could make his heart stop. His tongue go mute. His eyes light up. And yet, you took his silence for the lack of chemistry, his fawning eyes as pointless. I guess then, it should already have been clear that it was over. And yet he chose to wave it off, cast it aside as if nothing had ever happened. Some things once gone can never be replaced. That much ought to have been clear to him of all people. This was something doomed to failure from the start. Especially with one as proud as him.The fact that you once chose to give him up for another could never and would never be forgotten. Especially to a specimen as inferior as that. The assurances you gave him before you left with 'it' were taken as lies, much as he would have liked to believe afterwards. He tried to forget, but it wouldn't go away. Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever.
Time really has numbed down the pain. While not being wholely integrated by the new communities that he had join in, he was accepted. Thats good.
One day, by a chance conversation, he found out that she was going to a land far far away for perhaps a long time, perhaps even forever. If he was to be assured that he was truly freed from the past, he would have to face up to this bane of his.(if you ever come across this and recognise yourself, yours truly would certainly have you know that in no way can u be described as a bane in any sense of the word. Its a personal thing.)
And so we met.
Time has really changed us all. Yesteryear barely seems like yesterday. Yet the one difference lies in the fact that he is no longer tied to the bonds of yesteryear. Relief coursed through his veins. Finally. A closure. I never thought that this day would come, nor did I imagine it.
Nonetheless, if I had to relive my life again, I would still make the same choices. I have found strength within me that I never thought was there. Exposure to a different world. Meeting people which I would never have otherwise met.
The memories will always remain with me, for it reminds me that the most precious things that we hold, are often the most fragile ones. Adios my old friend, may you always stay happy. (Or at least, as happy as you ever can be, no one can be always happy, unless you're on drugs, even then, induced happiness can't really be counted can it.)
Quote of the day: 'The most precious things that we hold are often the most fragile ones.' By who else other than his most royalest highness, the Poameister. *grin*
POA blogged at 9:44 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
His Majesty's 21st Birthday
It is by his royal decree that on his majesty's 21st birthday, 21 people will be invited to dine with him at Secret Garden.
POA blogged at 6:29 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
The best pick-up line ever
Proof of just how easy it is to pick up chicks at MOS.....your's truly for the 1st time in his life got picked up by a chick....really, the lines they come up with.....obviously someone needs more practice....
Girl: Hi
Poameister: Yes ?
moving really close to Poameister) you know where is the exit ?
obviously amused) Its over there.....
sidling up close to the Poameister, so that his royalest arm can be put around her) I mean, where's the 'other' exit ?
getting irritated) I have no idea what you are talking about lady......
Girl: (
whipping out handphone) Anyway, whats your name ?
No need for you all to know how it ended....your's truly does not appreciate dumb chicks..... =)
But its good affirmation that your's truly is a seexxxxy babae.....and just what a great honour it is for anyone to be graced with my presence.
Until then, This is the Poameister, signing off .
POA blogged at 6:44 AM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Personaility survey of yours truly
Advanced Global Personality Test Results |
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.comA survey of your's truly. Fairly accurate, but that's cos u have to input so much data in....nothing new.
POA blogged at 7:19 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
Tales of Amelia and Shuhui: Return of BO
BO, short for Beverly Oh Zhao Lan, a real poor soul with a terrible nickname, was back from UK on her christmas break. Personally, yours truly feels that BO is really 'jolly good' company. Everything livens up when this fantabulous lady is around. Even her mother is cool. Mich(her mother), got us on the guestlist on MOS, bloody brilliant, as you know, normal plebians have to like queue for hours just to get in, for us, by proxy to knowing this super VIP, got to get in through the VIP entrance(a real ego booster, only thing missing was the red carpet treatment...). Inside, this hot mama got us like a ton of drinks. Truly first class company. Mich, is officially, the 'coolest friend's mother' of mine now.
New Year's Eve at Sentosa was arguably the worsest way to usher in the new year. Plenty of banglas there making a nuisance of themselves, trying to get fresh with all the girls and putting them naturally on the defensive. Obviously, these creatures have been saving up the entire year for this event, those that can't save enough probably went to downtown east or some free countdown event to try to grind the girls there. BO however was nonetheless trying her best to liven things up and was trying to dance despite the dark side's tremendous spheres of influence. Such an optimistic girl. MS will be lucky to have her. Pity she leaves next week.
In other news, Shuhui has been really busy with her new fling, for obvious reasons, lets just name him F. She 'picked' him up at MOS, a really not bad place for picking chicks up, or in this case guys.....certified by yours truly. No details here as yours truly believes in keeping such info to himself. Meanwhile, Amelia, still is embroiled in her semi-quasi relationship with J, your's truly has a bet that she will get hitched by Feb(Valentines day ?), and that MS will get hooked up with BO come Aug, maybe even on national day !!
Everyone seems to be having their fair share of love, except yours truly(dammit), rather frustrating one feels that there is no one even remotely significant in the romantic sense for yours truly. Obviously, there is no one even special enough to warrant any attention from his royal highness. A truly fucked up december in this sense.
Yours Truly, signing off
POA blogged at 5:19 AM