Friday, August 26, 2005
Other less significant news before the main serving. Yours truly now knows how to play mahjong. Courtesy of some old friends from secondary school. Only difficulty would lie in the fact that I cant recognise some of those ruddy chinese words.
Now, Peacock. For the rest of you less knowledgable plebians out there, Leslie Peacock(full name) was one of the contestants of the FHM girl next door competition a few months back. Certainly the favourite to win, a common opinion all of us at the PTI course had. Save for Elynn Toh, the girl with humongously round boobs who was Terrence Yap's ex(fellow trainee). A bit of a sympathy vote by proxy there one would guess.....also, after intense interrogation by the entire course, including the very famous/notorious Master Ong(now Warrant Ong)/Monkey God, he admitted to 'making the beast with 2 backs',(quote from othello, written by shakespere) with her of course.
Anyway, back to the topic, on Wed, yours truly accompanied by Ellyas went down to Zouk for an NUS business pageant in which a mutual friend, Gwenda Ailing(F1) was taking part in. One must comment now that the paucity of decent looking fellas in NUS is shocking...terrible ! No wonder the girls there are complaining. Most of the contestants put up were scrawny and well......ugly. And this is the supposed cream of the crop.....I shall refrain from all comments here in case yours truly by some stroke of cruel fate end up there. Have no intention of being crucified in the event that I actually have to stay here for an education.....luckily, there are no pictures of me here, so I at least remain annoymous to the casual reader.
Anyway, Ellyas introduced my to his group friends, all models and rather good looking I must say. Heard their very funny comments about their agent, crooked to the point of no return. 2 of them managed to easily sweep aside the competition in the open category of hunks and babes, opened to the entire floor. No big deal there....there wasn't even any semblance of resistance put up. Got the easiest 2 bottles of black label they will ever get.
And on the party went until.........who should pop up but peacock herself ! Was totally flabbergasted and was about to point out to Ellyas that my idol was standing right in front of me, only metres away. But before yours truly had the chance to do this, she came walking right up to us and wonders of wonders, she started having a conversation with Ellyas ! Imagine to my immense surprise when Ellyas introduced us.....Am absolutely delighted. Plus the fact that she was dancing with us later on in the evening, this is definitely the highlight of the month. Yours truly now can brag to all his friends(esp those in the PTI course) that he was once introduced to the lovely Leslie Peacock. Hah !
POA blogged at 10:10 AM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Poameister's People Rating System
Finally, comes the long awaited article on just how exactly the Poameister rates people. Usually done on a scale of 10. This ought to like solve many of your queries on just how exactly I come to rate you or ur friends/aquaintainces/enemies.
LooksLike it or not, one's looks do play a very integral role in how I rate a person. Nonetheless, it is not the most impt factor, as you will see later on in this article. However, as indication of how looks are important, I must tell you now that it makes up the base of the total score. This is due to the relative ease(
in comparison to the other components) in which it can be implemented. Plus, since this system is applicable to all, it would only be fair to ppl I don't really know that I rate them accordingly to something which I can actually see.
Here's the breakdown.(done on an imaginary X)
Overall look and feel: Firstly, yours truly will decide on how a person looks based on an overall feel. For instance, X is given an overall rating of 7.8 .
**Now that we have an overall score and a base to work with, here is how the system works, for the looks department, once an overall look rating is done, we will proceed to the points deduction system. This means that yours truly will start deducting points frm the overall based on the flaws that he finds when he puts you under close scrutinity(
hence, just because I stare at you, doesnt mean I like you....merely that I may be coming up with a score for you.)Height: 1.75m(guys) 1.6m(girls) Above mentioned numbers are minimum requirements for me not to deduct points from the total. Points are deducted accordingly to how far one falls from the mark.
Facial Features: Everything that can be found on the face here is included and deducted from the total score respectively.
Body: Very impt for both. Flab and fat.....definite nonos. For guys, this can actually add marks instead to your total !! For girls, not too flat, or big for that matter. Once again, this might actually boost your final score.
Overall Looks Total: Once everything is deducted and added, your's truly, being extemely thorough will thus review everything to come up with a final score.
Personality+how much I like youUnlike the looks test, this personality test is more subjective rather than objective. Hence scores tend to fluctuate. This component acts like this, its used as a demerit or bonus system and hence, the overall looks total + likability factor=final score. So, if I like you, I'll probably give you bonus with accordance to just how much I like u.
Bonus points
Things such as humour, generousity(to me), kindness do play a part. As a general rule, acquaintainces(of the hi and bye kind) get ard 0.5, for friends(the kind that I talk to abt superficial stuff) 1 pt, for very gd buddies 1.5 pts. For close family and super duper good friends(nt many) 2. So there, the max one can get is 2 pts.
Demerit points.
Unlike the bonus system, there is no limit as to how much I can deduct. This shows that I am not such a superficial chap afterall. I can actually not like good looking ppl ! =)
As a general rule....ah bengs are deducted so many pts that they go into the negative straight away. For ah lians, I usually give them a 0 in this compartment...because they are just so amusing......nt that they mean to be of course, hence the 0.
Final Score After the adding/deducting of scores frm the likability factor to the looks factor, yours truly will do a last review of the score to make it just and fair to all.(Under POA standards of course)
How you might stand in this system.The usual man and woman, aka pleibians, on the street usually gets around 3(for girls) and 2 and below for guys.
Friends are usually given 3.5 and above
Girls(relationship benchmarks) Guys(brudderhood benchmarks)
4.5 to 5.5 (Maybe) 4-5 (normal friends)
5.5-6.3 (Possibly) 5-6 (brudders)
6.5-7(Hopefully) 6-7 (Brudders for life)
7 and up(Definitely...) 7 and up ( Blood brudders)
Hope this has been helpful to all of you. Until then, this is the Poameister, signing off !!!!!
POA blogged at 7:48 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Before I begin on the subject matter at hand, the topic above does not refer to me. No one rejects your royal highness.
Some of the coldest rejections I have experienced(not me, other ppl), range from the realm of pure entertainment, to that of pure freakiness.
Case Study 1. The Model
Ali F, a total stud-muffin, capturing the attention of all chicks(and ugly ducklings) from all over definitely ranks as one of my favourite all time rejections. Here was how he rejected his current squeeze in the beginning. Here I am talking about a perfectly hot chick, another model I would think. Many would think of him as being insane, however the manner in which he did it is just pure class. Here's the lowdown, hunky Ali (rhymes), having balls of steel(or maybe no balls), actually has the audacity to write a note stating 10 reasons why he did not want to get with this chick. Amongst one of these reasons is that of her not being a christian....mind you, ali here is no saint the fact that she is hot...this is one guy that definitely doesn't follow the will of his other little but just as significant head. And he actually hands the letter to her personally. Definitely a 7/10 because of the uniqueness and sheer coolness in which he swats her away. Respect.
Case Study 2. The long melodramatic break-up
It begun with 17 page love ended with an 18 page one. Some people really have issues......I the heck does one even write 17 pages to another person.....mind you, this was done on A4 size and lined paper....all in all, definitely enough to write a book....not that it'll get published.....its probably a drag and definitely not as entertaining as all my articles. Definitely one of the freaky ones. Obviously doesnt love her as much as he hates her....literal interpretation of mine here....check the 1 page difference btw the love and break-up letter. Hilarious. =) Surely an 8.5/10 on the rejection scale....imagine the chick's feelings when she gets hit by 18 pages of how everything went wrong. Terrible.
Case Study 3. The naked man
Finally an interesting tale of how a girl rejects a guy. Its more of a natural progression I think, the way she avoided him and all. Why this makes it into the list is more because of the fact that he's been turned down numerous times.....0% success rate. Another factor is because of the way he thrives on baring his body to his targets. Albeit with little success. So I guess he's here because of the way he causes himself to be rejected ? Definitely entertaining, the way everyone snickers as he makes his move and prowls around the intended prey......a 6/10.
Case Study 4. The Shorty
This is why short guys are disadvantaged when it comes to the dating game. Society has always had this pre-occupation with that of the tall, dark and handsome. Some call them hunky dories, I prefer neanderthals. Some sour grapes there. But no matter, for none can compare to his royalest highest excellency. Was looking thru some of the drafts SH wrote today with regards for grounds of rejection. I quote 'you know I absolutely abhor guys shorter then me.' Obviously, the normal vertically challenged guy has a lot to do in order to keep up. Nonetheless, I give this a 6.5/10 on the rejection scale.
Case Study 5. The Jerk
Once upon a time a guy, J, got together with X in a semi-relationship. He then fell for her best friend and openly declared it. She was the last to know. She was usually the substitute whenever he got rejected by other girls. A real tear jerker here. Definitely ranks up there in terms of melodrama with all those korean serials. A definite 7/10 for the sour taste it leaves in the mouth.
Thats all for tonight folks. This is the Poameister, tuning off.
POA blogged at 9:12 AM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Tales of Amelia and Shuhui (part 1): My first time and snippets about J
The long awaited part 1, episode 1, article 1, is here ~!!!!
Your's truly stayed over at this fantastic, dandy, fantabulous apartment on monday and tuesday. Here's a description of it, the gateway to the flat opens into this shoe lobby which incidentally looks like a lift but without doors. Stepping through it, one is presented with the living room which looks minimalist in nature and not overstuffed with furniture as many apartments are. The dining area is simply gorgeous, the walls and floor there being painted with a differnt colour frm the rest of the house. Alfresco like dining table and chairs. Beyond that is the entertainment room. Its glass walls are really a sight to behold and the decor inside is simply breathtaking. A sofa which can double up as a bed is really good for visitors and behind one of those walls actually hides a mattress. Deceptive, I love the designer already. Moving on to the rooms, they're are fairly normal, apart from the fact that one of the tiles from Amelia's bedroom is actually a window to the kitchen. Connected to her room is her own walk-in wardrobe, stuff that you only see in movies. This walk in wardrobe resembles a clothes boutique with areas catered towards clothes that should be hanged, T-shirts which can be folded, accesories and belts. Yes, this is just a brief overview of the house.
Coming to what happened during my stay. Prior to this, your's truly met Julienne, J for short, for a guided tour of NTU. Realised that it is horribly designed and terribly complicated. J for one only just found her way around her own art and design block last friday and realised that she's been alighting at the wrong bus stop resulting in many a long walk. Meet an old friend Annete, pretty eurasian girl, am sure she'll have a hard time swatting those irksome NTU guys away frm her. Same goes for J, noticed a few guys checking her out, no surprise, with her wonderful dress sense and all. Those beaded bracelets look gorgeous on her. Like all those nice skirts that she has too. Will have a blast in the future chronicaling all their failed attempts in pursueing this fair damsel. One feels that this person will need to be of a high calibre, for J is very much of an elitist. Evidence comes from her refusing to shop at Giant because it is 'smelly', plus the fact that she's came frm RJC and prior to that MGS....not your everyday neighbourhood schools aren't they. The guy probably also has to either want to join Campus Crusade or already an active member inside, due to the deep connection that our friend here has with it. *snicker.
Pity she didn't stay with us during this time, too popular already this girl, had prior arrangements to go out with friends on national day.
The stay was very fun, watched a few episodes of Sex and the City. Played truth or dare in which everyone lied. Especially like the part Sharon says she wants to be stranded on an island with Mr MP(mopeng)(totally hilarous.....gasp....what if she wasnt joking/lying...). Needless to say, no one revealed their deepest darkest secrets. Also realised that girls are totally crappy at playing the end everyone joined the United Nations and had a continent each...rubbish. Whatever happened to WORLD DOMINATION !!!
Had hotcakes for breakfast...its been bloody long while since yours truly had a honest to goodness and wholesome macdonalds breakfast. Also played hide and seek in the surrounding blocks. Me and Shuhui, S, were so good at hiding that we freaked everyone out...esp amelia, who almost gave up and went home, Sharon, the twin gave up at the start, and made her way home...wimp.....lazy bum was already showering when we came back. Just today, we were having a conversation in which she let slip that her 'tums tums'(tummy) and arms were growing.....will have to get her back in shape soon. Went home after that, really tired and exhausted. Will be back there soon, stay tuned to this spot. Adios people !
POA blogged at 7:34 AM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
A new direction.
Yes, its been rather boring after all this while.....and one feels tt the life within this blog is waning. But fear not people, there will be a new direction from now on.
Starting up, yours truly has been cordially invited to stay over at a friends place. Really lucky girl, got her own flat at 19. One of the merits of being an only child in the family I think.....But anyway, Amelia(tts her name) and Shuhui/Bianca(her good friend and fellow eastie forced into NTU) have invited my to stay over whenever I want to. How exciting ! And it is from this that life will once again be injected.
Now, yours truly would like an opinion of which title would be appropriate to chronicle the happenings of this new development of my once again very interesting life. 'Snippets' ? Or maybe 'Tales of Amelia and Shuhui'.(adapted from the popular article from 8 days, Tales of Amanda and Saffy by Jason Hahn) I like tt, how glamourous to be invited to a hen's nest...or maybe chicks nest(they're nt tt old). Am popular. =). haha. Another title suggestion could be '2 girls, a guy and a HDB flat,' tt sounds a bit contrived don't you think ? Am open to suggestions, for once am opening a small part of this blog to all you fans out there.
Another question should be how often should I update this aspect of my blog.....hmmm....maybe fortnightly or even weekly if the demand is there. Am sure to have lotsa material. They are rather interesting people.(a brief overview in the next paragraph) Plus, all the other people that they've invited to stay over. Its going to be a circus out there. Juz hope Sharon comes over to stay soon.......she's good at cleaning up....or should I say, house maintanence.
Biopsis of the people you are likely to meet in the articles
Main Characters.
Amelia. Tai tai(sh) in nature, Amelia is the only child in the family. Currently reading Mass Comm at NTU, she is the proud owner of the flat. Is extremely fond of stolen ornaments to make her new house look more exclusive, etc, bus numbers, street names and whatever signs she can get hold of. Currently unattached.
Shuhui. Dainty girl who lives in her own world. Currently doing business at NTU. Loves wearing white tops. ( has a gazillion white tops with assorted prints). A permanent resident(PR) of the flat. Currently unattached.
Secondary Characters.
Sharon. The twin. Very domesticated, good at cooking and cleaning. Very fun-loving person albeit with a rather lame sense of humour at times. Currently working for seventeen magazine. Professional Thief(where amelia is going to get the bulk of her exclusive decoration from)Currently unattached(albeit with tons of suitors knocking on the doorstep...will they come up to this doorstep too?)
Julienne. Artistic girl who's in charge of the decor of the house. Currently doing art and design at NTU. A very glamourous and girly girl. Always immaculately dressed. Currently unattached(I think).
Mattias. All the above mentioned girls belong to Mattias' harem. Taking after his father as the major player in church. Needless to mention here whether or not he is attached.
Of course, new characters will be added depending on the entertainment value they bring to the article. One feels that these eligible girls will be constantly serenaded by the very desparate from NTU and all walks of life. As always, you can always count on a fully biased account from the Poameister chronicling the lives of those around him. Stay tuned to this blog ppl. This is the Poameister signing off.
POA blogged at 6:09 AM