'Der Meister


greatness personified

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Favourite People(Shortlist)

No rankings as of yet but here's just a shortlist of people, if you're not here, don't fret, be nicer to me and maybe you'll make the next list. At the end of the year I will then decide on my top ranking lists of people. Names here are all random and not ranked.

1. Jon and Xinyi(package) : ones the YAG grp leader and the other is my copy hw friend(I did the copying) in JC. Xinyi also teaches my sister music and is a nice and dependable friend. Jon's provided me with enough alcohol to like kill a cow(am still alive). Love them both to pieces(puke blood, so mushy).

2.Jocelyn: Sweet and bubbly girl tts always there to provide a listening ear to my incesetant babbling. Remember I went cycling with her after our A-Level results. Was worried she might actually kill herself or something......at that time I just joined the group and didnt know her at all. haha. Auntie June loves her and keeps advertising her as the 'perfect catch'. So yah, am not the only one having her on the favourite list. lol.

3.Rest of cell group: Matts a nice cook...mmm. Emerald eats all the food...and reads my blog faithfully(plus 10 positions). Joel boh's a nice fella....altho irritating at times with his cheeken accent. Sarah and Puss in Boots are funny innocent looking fellas.....must be wary of them during card games or anything to do with the emotional side of things. Adrian cannot be described with mere words.

4. Esther and Timmy: The 'naicha' and drinking kakis frm church.Timmy's this uber cool fella. Esther's the bubbly and friendly one that always laughs and smiles. Nice people.

5. Quek Mong Hua: Defending my father for his case and doing a superb job of it. Aspire to be as successful a lawyer as him. Maybe one day I'll face him in court(ambition).

6. Uncle David(co-sunday school teacher): Funny guy, plus I owe him 30 bucks.

7. My kids: Love them all(and no, not in a felic or freudian way).

8. GOD: Obviously.

POA blogged at 7:53 AM


Any resemblance to anyone or anything in this blog is purely coincidental. If there's any offence taken with the any of my articles, just please go away and mind your own business, this blog's exclusively only for people I like to read.

If I write bad things here about you, it can mean 2 things, 1. I hate ur guts. 2. I love you despite all your imperfections(no one's perfect).

If I write good things about you(very seldom), u'd better be happy and just accept whatever praises I send your way, treasure them like its the last drops of water when u're caught in a desert with no chance of getting any water.

Finally, WOCCs past or present or future are not allowed to read this blog until after I ORD(310506).

Thank you so much for being a fan of this blog. All this would not have been possible unless I knew I had such a dedicated audience such as yourselves. Cheers and God Bless. =-)

POA blogged at 7:42 AM

Monday, June 27, 2005

A most enjoyable wkend.

He has just woke up from his slumber.........

Reflecting on his wkend, something that he never thought he would enjoy so much.

A letter
25 June 2005,

Dear God,

Yours truly has really enjoyed the camp. Met so many nice people. Some who have actually made my top 10 favorite church people list(another time). Learnt so many new things, like the nai cha game. Am truly remorseful for being unable to worship you along with the others on the 2nd day when I was nursing a hangover, will do that next time though.

Yours truly, madly, deeply,
dA PoaMister(the i is supposed to be dragged out long and pronounced as 'i')

POA blogged at 8:58 AM

Monday, June 20, 2005

World Domination

Am going to take over the world!!!!! hahahaha(wicked laughter).

Have been playing risk almost the whole of today, from 10 in the morn till 3 in the afternoon, non stop plotting and dice-rolling, mymy, never envisaged myself playing risk while serving the nation. lol. Builds up my leadership and strategising skills I must say. Well, its for the greater good, afterall, am an instructor of future officers and leaders of the country(everyone can gasp now. Gasp!), so must keep myself primed towards this challenge. haha.

Am bloody good at risk I found out, almost took over the entire bloody world, had south america, africa and europe within my grasp and was proceeding on the onslaught of north america. Being the brilliant tactician I was, I engineered the complete obliteration of my closest rival midway during the game, Napoleon Bonarparte(aka, SPZ), by turning everyone on him. Mind you, this was after my alliance had significantly weakened those scums from down under(wayne), and after a costly civil war with Braveheart William Wallace(Alistair), which drove my mighty troops out from North America(I decided to retreat so as to live to fight another day) into South America and Africa where I set up my bastions championing truth and justice(actually, all hail POA). Then there was the masterstroke where I spurned Napoleon's offer to divide the world between us, and instead allied with the very foes which forced me out of North America and also with those Uruk Hai from down under. It was this triumvrite that managed to overcome the those uppity europeans, albeit after a long-drawn out resistance which sapped the forces of both sides. All of which was very good for me as I ransacked Europe w/o the other 2 fellas noticing, cos it was all for the cause =) . This was also how I got Africa from those rotten uncouth prisoners from down under earlier in the game when my alliance was bamboozling him from all corners of the earth at about the 1/4 mark.

After Napoleon went down, it came down to the battle between the great powers of Wallace and the Poamister. Having a vastly superior and battle-hardened army, my gallant troopers forced those ruddy smelly Scots out of europe and into America. It was here that I enlisted the help of those inferior Aussies to keep up the battle in Asia and so keep Wallace on a costly 2 front war. With his forces depleted and stretched, yours truly managed to gain europe after a tremendously costly war effort. This foothold was reinforced turn after turn and b4 long forces had been mounted for the onslaught of the last remaining credible resistance to the creation of a world which would be peaceful and happy. A tremendously violent battle ensued as Wallace's defenses tried to hold on onto their last remaining fortress(North America). Ultimately, with my 2-pronged attack from both Europe as well as South America and coupled with the Aussies assaulting Wallace's forces from the east(a great battle had brewed there too, mainly with the Aussies getting whipped), The American Dream was crumbling before his very eyes and it was here that Wallace decided not to play anymore cos he was tired and his chances of winning was naught(plus we had work to do).

And so, was how the story came to pass where 5 very bored PTIs decided to take out the Risk Board and begin a quest for adventure, territorial gains and WORLD DOMINATION. Friendships tossed aside as alliances formed and broke. Losses and gains were mourned and celebrated. Trust was a matter of convienence and the only constant was the burning desire to just own it all, be it through diplomacy or confrontation. In the end, all the stars dimmed as only one shone brightly, true and strong, unwavering to the cause.

POA blogged at 4:36 AM

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today emerald, one of my fans gave me feedback that my blogs getting boring. Must be the writers block setting in. The inspiration to write truly interesting snippets about my life is seriously drying up.....oh no....is my life so boring......ya....maybe. Anyways, new material today. Am going to reveal a deep secret about me........that is............ok.......everyone hold ur breath....... Yours truly, was almost a MALAYSIAN !!!!!!!

Yes yes, a malaysian, the ppl that after food drops on the floor still pick it up and blow and eat it. 10 sec rule I think.....haha. Love them....they make me feel so much better abt myself. haha, the antics that these ppl get up to, amazing I tell u....but, I met a nice malaysian girl some time ago....maybe they're not so bad after all. But nonetheless, love them or hate them, just cant do w/o them. =)

Anyways, according to my family roots, my great-grandfather was actually some temengong of kelantan a long long time ago. But unfortunately, he was assasinated....so exciting ya....am not making this up I tell u. And so, being the greedy malaysian shits that they are, his family sent his widow along with their 3 children back to China(motherland and all that crap), to like mourn for 6 years or something........crazy chinese customs.....

And so the story continues, after six years, my great grandma, bless her soul, asked to be allowed to return. But being the sly cunning cunts that they were, they claimed that there was no money for the return trip.......luckily, the shrewd old lady(uneducated by the way....so who needs to study...its for nerds) brought along her wedding dowry when she left for china, anticipating that such treachery would occur....and in due time bought her way back to kelantan. Scary shit I tell you.....am almost a chinese commie too if u look at it this way.......instead of the ol' honest to goodness me u see now I could have been a chinaman.....picture this.....unkempt or oily hair.....a funny smell......lousy complexion......and when I open my mouth all the ching chang ching chang comes out......shudder........bless that old lady's soul and brains ! On the other hand the china chicks are hot....mmmm.......plenty of zhang ziyi lookalikes. Went clubbing and told one of em that I lived in a castle in Singapore and she was like all over me.....had to even push her away......really......this is what happens when you close ur country to the rest of the bloody world....thank God am not a china man.

Back to the story, and so, great grandma and co came back. Wanted to kick everyone out but couldnt do so cos the old man left everything to my grandma, the 1st born, who could only claim everything on her 21st bday......in the mean time, nice gurantors were trying their best to siphon as much as possible frm the family fortune. So when gramps was 21, she went back home and kicked everyone out. =) They've been through quite a lot, so cant really blame her if she's really cranky and self-protective at times......for etc chasing my friends away frm the house when I was young cos she thot they wanted to steal things or waste our electricity.....lol. Unfortunately, grandma also likes to gamble.....so thats where all the money later went......and in the end they moved to singapore in this very house I am staying now in search for a better life.....the rest as they say, is history.

And so on hindsight, could've been either a crummy malaysian or a commie prc......am lucky to be a singaporean I guess....haha....majula singapura ! Anyway, on current news, went to church today with my cell grp and we decided to be more exclusive....yay, I thrive on such stuff like excluding ppl and creating my own lil clique.....not v christianly........so dun tell God.....or my kids....shhh

POA blogged at 6:30 AM

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Plot Resumes

Welcome back all those who've missed yours truly(esp yours truly).

Haven't been undating since I left for down under. Really nice place Australia, nice weather and nice food and nice wine and nice scenary. Could get used to such a place, unfortunately am not going to australia anymore for studies......too long a time needed to graduate plus it starts only in Feb which means I have to defer my army....not good. So England here I come. =) Now the question is........where do I go in England.....have narrowed it down to 3 places, bristol, durham and london.......any suggestions people ? Am open to all.....

Madagascar is really funny, watched it the day b4 I left for Australia with my little sis, a bit of quality time there. My favorite person that is.....only person in this whole world I might stay in S'pore for and not go abroad cos I would miss out on her growing up years.....anyway...she doesnt really seem to need me around much nowsadays....too old for her I think....hugs and kisses drying up also...the other day I mistook her primary 3 instead of 4....wth...she's growing up too fast for me lar....depressing....

Went for a unique BBQ experience last Sat, Jon took us, the merry band to this funny spot in Changi, place was freaking isolated and out of the way like in a desert...but it went surprising well despite an early drizzle. Had to like dig holes in the ground to like set a bonfire and bbq fire going. Adelene's really funny.....haha.....she went there thinking out fun and adventurous it'd be until she asked us 'wheres the toilet?' Lol. Truth and realisation soon sinked in....you dont find a toilet in the wild, u 'make do' with what's available, ie, trees and bushes and wadever you can find....hahahahaha. Went back to Jons house afterwards and played all sorts of funny games on top of drinking some really strong scotch whiskey. Must've been a tad too much cos I had a minor headache the next day.....am losing my alcohol tolerance I tell you....only 4 glasses(Jon, you only saw me take 2....oooommmm). Must be the lack of clubbing and all....no more free flow parties like they used to have last time when I was in J1. Those parties were really good man...25 for like as much as I can drink....always made sure that my money was worth it by knocking lots of brew down. haha.

Until next time people !

POA blogged at 8:22 AM